Trust insurance can get confusing. You might not always know what you're actually covered for.
At yes Insurance, we're here to make things clearer, giving you peace of mind that your assets are protected.
We specialise in helping trucking businesses like yours, We understand the risks you face and how to protect you from
them, We'll explain everything in simple terms, so you know exactly what you're getting with our dedicated acount
management service.
Our team of experts is based in Australia, ready to help you every step of the way. We'll take the time to review your
personal situation and provide expert guidance on the type, extent and value of insurance that you'll need to really
protect you assets. Easy, fast & painless.
As your dedicated specialist truck insurance broker, We stand up for you when dealing with insurers. By representing
your interests. we ask the right questions to negotiate with insurers to secure the best results for you. We're here to
help you secure the best deal based on your current operations.
When it comes to making to claim, having Yes Insurance in your corner is essential as we provide a dedicated claims
service. Leveraging our strong connections with insurers, we can handle complicated claims on your behalf, easing
your worries and ensuring a smoother process for you.